Italy COVID-19 update


Italy continues to make good progress controlling COVID-19, so much so that a number of regions have been declared white zones including Puglia and Sardinia. White zones are declared based on consistent, low infection rates… Continue Reading…

2021 tours cancelled


As a result of the continuing risks from COVID-19,  the Learn Italian in Lecce tour in September and  the Learn Italian in Cagliari tour in October will not go ahead. Italy has opened up for… Continue Reading…

Italy opens – good news/big risk


The Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi has announced that “Italy is ready to welcome back the world” when they welcome back foreign travellers from mid-May. Good news or premature and risky? Travelers will need to… Continue Reading…

Will we be going to Italy in 2021?


Will we be going to Lecce and Cagliari in 2021? Yes it’s still possible but everything has to go right controlling the pandemic from now on. It’s all explained in this video update, with no… Continue Reading…

Third wave of COVID 19 hits Italy


After falling steadily through January and February, new infections rose sharply in March with more than 20,000 new cases daily, for most of the month. It’s now well into April and new cases are still… Continue Reading…

Sardinia in COVID White Zone


While there are still thousands of new cases of COVID each day in Italy, one place is bucking the trend – Sardinia. To track the progress of the pandemic, every region of Italy is given… Continue Reading…

Italy starts vaccinations


December 27 has been dubbed Vaccine day, the official start of the anti COVID-19 vaccination campaign In Italy, as well as the rest of Europe, marking a major milestone in the fight to end the… Continue Reading…

Buone Feste a Tutti


I would like to wish you and all those you hold dear a peaceful, safe and very happy festive season. COVID-19 has made 2020 a year like no other. Our thoughts at this time are… Continue Reading…

Get ready for 2021


We’re so sad you can’t come this year. Lecce and Sardinia are waiting and so are we. Get on the list for 2021 so you don’t miss out. Just email me at to be… Continue Reading…

Learn Italian in Lecce Plus


Welcome to my new Learn Italian in Lecce Plus website. After almost nine years, the old one needed an update. I hope you like it. Why Learn Italian in Lecce Plus? After eight years of… Continue Reading…