Happy 10th Anniversary Lecce
18 January 2021
My love affair with Lecce began 10 years ago. At the beginning of 2011, I spent 10 weeks in Lecce studying Italian at the University of Salento in their School of Italian for Foreigners. I immediately fell in love with Lecce and its people. My 10 weeks in beautiful baroque Lecce became the inspiration for the Lecce Italian Language Experience.
In the 10 years since then I’ve taken 13 language trips to Lecce. In that time I’ve shared my love of Lecce, the Salento and the Italian language with almost 200 people. Many have returned, some for the third time.
I can’t wait until the pandemic passes and I’m able to return. Here is a taste of the journey so far. The A-Z of Learn Italian in Lecce. To check out the entire journey visit the Learn Italian in Lecce Plus Facebook Page.
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