
Buone Feste a Tutti

I would like to wish you and all those you hold dear a peaceful, safe and very happy festive season. COVID-19 has made 2020 a year like no other. Our thoughts at this time are with those most affected by the virus – with the people of Italy and elsewhere who are fighting this terrible disease, with those who have lost loved ones before their time, and with the dedicated and selfless people on the front line treating the sick and keeping us safe.

New vaccines against COVID-19 have brought optimism that the end of the pandemic may now be in sight and we can start dreaming about travelling again, perhaps as early as the second half of 2021.

I am now accepting expressions of interest for tours to Lecce in September 2021 and Cagliari October 2021 with packages to be released in March 2021. Please email me to be placed on the list or to find out more.


Link: Dates and general information

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